Get Organized

Happy Crafty Day to YOU!!  Its Inspiration time over at The Cutting Cafe!!  This week we were able to create a project using any file from the Cafe; I wanted to create a personalized calendar so I used The Planner Set to create it.  I added pictures I have taken on road trips with my husband and some embellishments for  a little accent.  

This project turned out to be a two for one because I was able to create a calendar to use all year long and get some scrap-booking done at the same time!!  Love It!!  I'm working on one for my daughter now with 12 pics of her dog....I'll share with you when its done!!

Thank you so much for stopping by today!!  I hope you have been inspired!!  

Blessings & Craft Happiness!!



Regina Easter said…
wow wow wow just looking at this project makes me in envy cause i always say im going to make a calendar like this but never it
What a fun calendar.....Im with Regina on this one, I always want to make a special calendar....then never get around to it!!

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