Sky High

Good morning crafters!! Its inspiration time over at The Cutting Cafe !! I'm here to share with you my project for the 21st day of May!! This week's project we were asked to play with any of the " Treat Cup Cards " which are soooo awesome to create and send!! I gotto tell ya though (because when its easy I tell you) I had a little bit of a tough time figuring out how to layer all the pieces together! I struggled for a while then I realized.....Regina has a video !!! OMGosh, instant relief...LOL!! Anywho, here's my project share: I used the Hot Air Balloon file (there's 7 files in all); it also comes with a cut file for the box envelope to fit your treat cup card into but I have these clear top boxes so I just used one of them. It will also fit perfectly into a small padded envelope. Thanks for stopping by and checking out my blog today!! Head on over to The Cutting Cafe to see all the design team inspiration!! Leav...